
Importance of Reading Books

By |October 4th, 2020|education, Students|

A Little Background on Classical Education A classical education is one that is based on the Seven Liberal Arts of learning. These  are the skills used to justify knowledge, and the learning of these skills is the traditional path students have used to train their sense of reasoning. In short, the liberal arts teach [...]

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Upper Grades Art Project: Campus Perspectives

By |September 23rd, 2020|Art, Students|

GDA students sat outside and drew what they saw around them (outdoor still life project).  The students took in their surroundings and used oil pastels to blend colors, layer, and add texture to the drawings. The following upper grades' art pieces were created by students from their surrounding at the new GDA [...]

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3 Strategies for Bible Memory Work

By |September 17th, 2020|Bible, education, Home Days, Memorization|

3 Strategies for Bible Memory Work One unique component of Classical Education is memory work.  Who really enjoys memorizing a ton of material?  I don’t know of anyone who thinks this is the most enjoyable way to spend time.  However, our brains are a muscle.  Like your other muscles, the brain needs to be [...]

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Helpful Home Day Tips for Your students!

By |August 13th, 2020|Home Days|

Helpful Home Day Tips The first helpful home day tip is to start your day with prayer and focused time with the Lord. Pray with your child when they are struggling -- patience, attention, understanding, etc. Go over memory work as a family – works great during meal times. Record memory work on [...]

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Timeless Text: The Odyssey

By |August 5th, 2020|Classical Education|

Timeless Text: The Odyssey As students in 7th grade literature at Gloria Deo Academy were learning from the timeless text: The Odyssey by Homer, one of the requirements was to write about the timelessness of a passage of their choice. This student chose the passage describing a beautiful orchard that Odysseus observed during his travel. [...]

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Back to School Anxieties

By |July 30th, 2020|education, Students|

Back to School Anxieties As we gear back up for school, you may notice some behavioral changes in your child. Back to school anxieties are normal. He might be extra clingy when you leave to run an errand. She might revert back to using a whiny voice that she hasn’t used in years. Your [...]

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Gloria Deo Academy Joplin Campus

By |July 15th, 2020|education, GDA Joplin|

We would like to officially announce that there will be a Gloria Deo Academy expansion campus in Joplin, Missouri for the 2020-2021 school year. There has been a strong need for quite some time in Joplin for a school like Gloria Deo Academy, and parents who have been part of GDA for many years have [...]

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Are we addicted to technology?

By |July 15th, 2019|conference, education, technology|

From the moment personal computing became possible, the debate over its merits and drawbacks of technology in education began to rage. And I’m as technology-wary as the next classical education devotee, but even I can’t deny the possibilities: instantaneous answers to scientific questions; astute explanations for complicated concepts; great books delivered in two days [...]

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