Helpful Home Day Tips

The first helpful home day tip is to start your day with prayer and focused time with the Lord.

Pray with your child when they are struggling — patience, attention, understanding, etc.

Go over memory work as a family – works great during meal times.

Record memory work on a digital device that students can play back & listen – also works great for history speeches. Listen anywhere, anytime.

Prep the night before – gather books, grids, supplies, etc.

Review grid and make a list (or use Post It notes) for assignments that students can do independently. Encourage them to do these subjects on their own.

Allows parents to tackle other responsibilities and divide time with other siblings & school work / assignments.

Get a good grasp on how grids work. This will help new parents understand timeframes and assignment due dates. Ask teachers for help!

Don’t be afraid to ask for help and encouragement.

Organize your work flow and plan ahead so you’re not scrambling all day.

Many parents love to start early in the day. School in pajamas works great — and start right after breakfast. Others, love the idea of sleeping in and taking things slow. Go after what works for your family.

Helpful Home Day Tips For older students:

Start an assignment the night before a “home” day. This is one less thing to tackle on a “home” day.

Encourage older students to help younger siblings with their school work. It teaches them responsibility & can help the parent.

Kids learn and react differently, even siblings. With GDA, you have the flexibility as a parent to make it fit your child.

Eat the frog! Do the hardest subject / assignment first. This helps get it out of the way & is a sense of accomplishment.

Try to change scenery often. Kitchen, couch, homeschool area, outside, library, coffee shop, etc. Doing school in one spot for more than a few hours / days can get tiring.

If your child is struggling with an assignment, take a break. Go for a walk, run an errand, eat a nutritious snack, etc. Revisit the assignment later.

Break up the day around meals. Plan to get certain things done by lunch, afternoon, and before dinner.

Plan a fun activity or reward when students complete school for the day. Find a reward system that works great for your student’s personality / age.

Start the week with a goal and end with a predetermined reward!

Ultimately, you know your child best! Experiment to see what works well for them and your family. Don’t feel like you have to do what works for another family. Comparison is really the thief of joy.

For more tips to enhance your home day area check out this link!