Whether you’re the student or the parent, the end of the school year is always the most difficult. Students contract “summer fever” as the end of the year approaches and begin to slack off and lose interest in school work. It is extremely important to finish the school year strong, so we have put together a list of 10 ways to finish the school year strong.

1. Set goals

Setting goals for yourself both personally and academically will help you stay on track. Whether your goal is to get straight A’s or pass your tests, make your own goals and try your absolute best to achieve them.

2. Stay organized

Staying organized will prevent you from losing or forgetting about assignments. Keep track of your assignments and test dates in a planner or calendar to stay organized and prepared for upcoming final projects and tests.

3. Don’t put off responsibilities

Slacking and procrastinating are just ways of putting off responsibilities. Putting off school-related responsibilities will leave you scrambling and stressed at the last minute. Do what you need to do when you need to do it, and you will be well on your way to finishing strong!

4. Remember what you’ve worked for

It may help to remind yourself of all the hard work you’ve put in this year. One bad performance on a final test or project could undo all of your efforts for a certain letter grade.

5. Get motivated

It is time to get motivated! Whether you have to bribe yourself with rewards or create penalties for not trying your best, do whatever it takes to stay motivated and beat “summer fever!”

6. Take advantage of the nice weather

As the weather begins to get nicer, you don’t have to stay cooped up inside studying. Get creative by studying and doing homework outside instead!

7. Take a time out

Don’t forget about taking time out of your day to regroup and simply have fun! This will help you stay focused. Giving yourself breaks for fun is good for your sanity and attention span.

8. Adjust your attitude

What is your attitude right now? Are you feeling down? Can you not wait for school to end? Simply adjusting your attitude to be more positive can make an incredible difference!

9. Take care of yourself

Taking care of yourself by eating well, exercising and getting the proper amount of sleep will help you remain focused.

10. Focus on the finish line

Visualize your finish line – and your goals – and focus on that. The school year is almost over- you can do it! Start a countdown, and don’t worry- the end is near.