
Importance of Reading Books

A Little Background on Classical Education A classical education is one that is based on the Seven Liberal Arts of learning. These  are the skills used to justify knowledge, and the learning of these skills is the traditional path students have used to train their sense of reasoning. In short, the liberal arts teach [...]

By |October 4th, 2020|education, Students|Comments Off on Importance of Reading Books

Timeless Text: The Odyssey

Timeless Text: The Odyssey As students in 7th grade literature at Gloria Deo Academy were learning from the timeless text: The Odyssey by Homer, one of the requirements was to write about the timelessness of a passage of their choice. This student chose the passage describing a beautiful orchard that Odysseus observed during his travel. [...]

By |August 5th, 2020|Classical Education|Comments Off on Timeless Text: The Odyssey
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