GDA’s Development Team Adds 11 New Business Sponsors

Sponsorship Opportunity Helps Businesses Grow

The Gloria Deo Academy Development Team offers a unique business sponsorship program to local business owners.  

Sponsorship is an affordable strategy for effective business growth. Often, marketing budgets are spent or increased, and businesses fail to see a return. Sizable chunks of marketing budgets get wasted. Checks get written, supposedly “marketing” happens, but the business does not grow. To make matters worse, marketing dollars are often spent with companies that do not support Christian values or Christian education.  

 Sponsorship Makes A Significant Difference 

We have seen that sponsorship at GDA (Gloria Deo Academy) makes a significant difference for business owners. Sponsorship allows you to get your business name in front of the SAME group of people repeatedly who also share your values and want to support each other.

Sponsorship Helps Raise Awareness through Repetition 

Our sponsorship program puts your business information in front of the same group of like-minded families and that repetition that raises awareness.  When you support GDA, you are supporting an organization they love. We have seen parents and grandparents show great preference to GDA sponsored businesses.  

Business sponsorship funds events such as our annual GDA Banquet, Grandparents Day, the Daddy Daughter Dance, and many other school events that help foster community within GDA. This means when GDA families are having fun and making memories they are also connecting those good experiences with our business sponsors who help make those events even better!

 What Business Sponsors are Saying:

“We’re thrilled to be able to partner with GDA and come on board as a sponsor for this upcoming school year.” – Nick and Ali Matthews, Grand Dental Studio 

“We are excited to work closely with GDA to achieve our shared goals of not only academic excellence but also to instill strong Christian values and to prepare our young minds for a future guided by faith, ethics and compassion.” — Malia Jennings, ProMan Heat & Air   

“The heart of our school is to partner with families, in the name of God. At Wild School, we share the same mission. We are honored to be partnering with Gloria Deo Academy.” – Autumn Radford, Wild School

“With the culture of the world directly opposing what we believe as Christ followers, investing in Classical Christian schools for our children is vital in building strong foundations that will allow them to be bold for Christ both now and in their future.” – Jessica Luttrell, Cosplay for Christ 

We proudly support Christian education, as we believe in nurturing young minds with faith, values, and knowledge, laying the foundation for a brighter future. –417 Integrative Medicine 

To view all current business sponsors, please visit our website here:  

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