Golden Campus Update!
Dear GDA Families,
Our children are back in school and great things are underway! We reached a big milestone—the first phase of the Golden remodel is complete. Thank you to our volunteers who worked hard to get both the Golden campus and River Stone campus ready for students. But the journey isn’t over. More exciting things are happening…
Campaign & Remodel
The “All in His Time” Capital Campaign to purchase and remodel the building at Golden began last December and thanks to our generous families, $1,059,000 was raised in an incredibly short time.
The Covid-19 crisis coincided with the peak of our campaign which was projected to result in $4 million dollars for all phases of the campaign. In response, the GDA board created a new, more conservative launch plan. The new plan used the space as it stood rather than demolishing and rebuilding for a drastically reduced cost. We now have 19 new classrooms where our students learn each week.
His Provision & Perfect Timing
God always has plans that are better than our plans. Here are three examples of His goodness and blessings to our school…
Steven Strobel and Greg Snider financed the purchase and remodel of the Golden Building, giving us time to fundraise.
The generous families of GDA have given of their time and finances to make this school year possible.
Brad King of King Built has sacrificially given of his time and resources to manage the project and minimize costs.
Big things happened with small budgets and short time frames and we are so grateful!
Building Improvements
It’s never about the paint or the new doors or chairs. It’s about the environment where our kids learn. Many small improvements add up to big changes…
Cosmetic improvements to the West Building (paint, safety, lighting, signage)
Remodeling of the kitchen for lunch service
Cosmetic changes to the East Building (safety, lighting, walls, carpet, paint, signage)
Repair, surfacing, and striping of the parking lot
Building of the new playground
Installation of indoor way-finding and exterior signage
Installation of safety windows on all classroom doors
Repairs and improvements to the HVAC systems
Installation of security and communication systems (in-progress)
Fencing around playground (in-progress)
Moving our Financial Position Forward
GDA has always been debt free and it is our first priority is to return to that position.
Current construction costs associated with the remodel are being paid with our cash surplus of $300,000.Once our cash surplus meets bank requirements, we will exercise our option to purchase the building by getting a bank loan for the balance of the purchase price less our cash down payment. All additional funds pledged or received will be applied to the purchase of the building, either in the form of cash for the down payment or repayment of the loan, depending upon when the pledge payment is received. In the near future, the Board of Directors will begin moving forward to the next phase of the campaign (estimates, options, pledges and continued fundraising).
We have opened two accounts with the Community Foundation of the Ozarks, an independent, not-for-profit fund management organization. The CFO provides further oversight and streamline giving. Two accounts are available:
Building Fund: used for the purchase of the Golden Building
Endowment Fund: used for the future sustainability
In His Perfect Time
Since the beginning of GDA, God has always provided in His perfect time. We commit our plan to the LORD and believe the best is ahead. Please continue to pray for the futures of our students and for our fundraising efforts.
If you would like more information as to how you can help, please contact Wendy Wright
Phone: 417-631-2442
Email: wwright@gloriadeoacademy.org
Wendy Wright
Director of Development, GDA
Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans. Proverbs 16:3
What an amazing Golden Campus Update!