
All Day


CIA [Christ Training In Action] Day is April 24 for M/W campuses and April 25 for T/TH campuses. Students may pay to $1 to wear normal CIA Day attire (jeans or athletic pants with GDA Lions t-shirts or sweatshirts). There is no charge for wearing normal school uniform attire or for wearing GDA Lions t-shirts/sweatshirts [...]

Joplin: Can-struction

Calvary Baptist Joplin 600 E 50th St, Joplin

Can-struction for GDA Joplin is coming up on April 24th* during Opening Ceremonies. Can-struction is a wonderful GDA tradition that gives students a tangible way to serve our community by donating non-perishable food items. *Please note this date has changed from the original 2023-2024 school calendar. 

Coffee and Community

Connect with other GDA moms & dads this CIA Day at GDA! Join us in the lunch room at the River Stone Campus or the gymnasium at the Golden Campus at 8:40 am following Opening Ceremonies. No Coast Coffee, hot tea, and light refreshments will be served.

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