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Auditions for The Little Mermaid Jr. will be held after school Monday, August 19 and Tuesday, August 20. 
Please be prepared for the following audition pieces:

  • A song of your choice lasting no more than 60 seconds (Please Do not sing something from The Little Mermaid)
    • Please have a track available to accompany you while you sing. A speaker will be provided for you to connect your device to.​​
  • A short monologue (can be read)

Students planning on auditioning should complete the Audition Form below.  In addition, parents and students should go over the Production Contract. Finally, signup for an audition time. Everything you need can be found on the theater website here: https://peytongraygda.weebly.com/the-little-mermaid-kids.html 

Please direct all questions to Mrs. Gray at pgray@gloriadeoacademy.org.

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