The deadline to register for Baseball is Friday, February 7th.

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Athletes Name
Parent/Guardian #1:
Parent/Guardian #2:
In Case of Emergency (if both guardians are unavailable)
Uniform Information & Supplies
Each athlete is responsible for providing their own bat, glove, shoes, baseball socks, and helmet. We provide baseballs, jerseys, and catcher equipment. The coach will communicate if any additional items are needed.
I will provide each of the following forms:
Please email your completed forms to or turn them in to the Athletic Department office at the Golden Campus. Forms can be downloaded on the GDA Athletics page:
Clear Signature
We acknowledge we have read the GDA Activities/Athletics Handbook and agree to comply with the policies contained in this handbook and any revisions made to it.
Clear Signature
We acknowledge we have read the GDA Activities/Athletics Handbook and agree to comply with the policies contained in this handbook and any revisions made to it.
Please choose a method of payment: