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The 1st-3rd Grade and 4th-6th Grade Spelling Bees is rescheduled for February 19/20. Please watch for more information to come home with your 1st-6th graders about how students can participate in the Spelling Bee. We need a few parents and/or grandparent volunteers for each campus to help the day of the event to facilitate and judge the Spelling Bee.
Please let us know if you would be interested in helping. Contact information for each campus is found below:
Golden Campus
Monday/Wednesday: Jennifer McCord jmccord@gloriadeoacademy.org
Tuesday/Thursday: Angie Butler abutler@gloriadeoacademy.org
River Stone Campus
Monday/Wednesday: Lindsay Williams lwilliams@gloriadeoacademy.org
Tuesday/Thursday: Katie Beal kbeal@gloriadeoacademy.org

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