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The GDA first grade class proudly presents the 1st Grade History Celebration. Join us to listen to student speeches, enjoy art projects, and learn about ancient history from a biblical worldview.
  • The Golden M/W Campus 1st Grade History Celebration is on October 28, 5:30 pm at the Golden Campus.
  • The River Stone M/W Campus 1st Grade History Celebration is on October 28, 5:30 pm at the River Stone Campus.
  • The Joplin Campus 1st Grade History Celebration is on October 28, 6 pm at the Joplin Campus.
  • The Golden T/Th Campus 1st Grade History Celebration is on October 29, 5:30 pm at Golden Campus.
  • The River Stone T/Th Campus 1st Grade History Celebration is on October 29, 5:30 pm at the River Stone Campus.
*Please contact your child’s teacher for the event start time and more information. 

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