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9-12 graders, we need your help!

  • Serve as greeters
  • Help usher guests
  • Demonstrate your servant heart and leadership to those attending the banquet and GDA
  • Gain unique volunteer experience


Attire: Business; black and white attire. Speech and Debate attire is perfect!

Time: Students would need to arrive promptly at 5:00 pm and plan to stay until 10:00 pm or when clean-up is complete (whichever comes first).

The Perks:

  • Participate in Chick-Fil-A tailgate prior to event while receiving details of the evening.
  • Earn House Points! For all students who serves the entire shift, they will earn 50 points!! For the house with the highest percentage of participants, they will earn an additional 50 points!

Mandatory training:

  • Friday, November 3rd at 1:00 pm and/or 2:00 pm in the Speech & Debate room at the Golden Campus

Questions? Contact Haidi Edwards or Holly Peck via email at events@gloriadeoacademy.org.

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