
GDA Alumna in Northwest Africa

My name is Katelyn (Reynolds) Rodabaugh and I am a proud alumna of Gloria Deo Academy and a part of the first GDA’s graduating class in 2012. I graduated from Missouri State University in 2016 and I currently work for BKD CPAs and Advisors as the Campus Recruiter for our Southern Missouri offices. I [...]

By |October 26th, 2021|Alumni, Community Impact|Comments Off on GDA Alumna in Northwest Africa

“I Love Cross Country, Just Not The Running Part.”

Cross Country at GDA! It is a grossly understated reality, especially in our postmodern world, that suffering has the unique ability to produce character and strength. Secular philosophies such as Stoicism preach an embrace of suffering as a means to manifesting virtue and achieving maximal resilience. The Holy Scriptures contain numerous stories of struggle, [...]

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